Friday, May 22, 2009

Getting Approval

No not from South Korea although that is really important, I'm talking about from my Mom. Now I'm not gonna lie I would be going even if she said no but I'm sentimental like that. I'm not one for big shows and trying to convince my mother of anything so I just kinda told her and fought off any questions she might have had. Once again I just wasn't into trying to convince her I knew Korea was safe it's super safe like ridiculously safe when compared to America but moms are moms and I guess that she just assumed that any place that doesn't speak English is a hell hole.

This all changed a few weeks ago, my mom got back from work one afternoon and just started to tell me about one co-worker who has a nephew living in Seoul. Her co-worker told her how his nephew was doing and having a good time and that is when she started to change, now, it seems that whenever shes on the phone with relatives or friends she says I'm going to Korea just to let them know or just to spread the word. Just wish it would have been this easy from the beginning, not that its all sunshine and lollipops now.

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