Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Sill kickin in the Honeymoon

I think that it's safe to say that I'm still sitting in the "Honeymoon Phase" of my stay in Korea. They say that it is off different length for everyone and I've been here about 7 weeks and working for a month and 4 days. I think that keeping things in perspective helps to extend this period. I Hope that this extends and is such a soft time for me that I never hit the anger stage.

I would like to point out that I do miss home everyday that I'm away. I miss my family and friends, a bunch and each for different reasons. I miss that I can't go home and have my mom ask me how it was and then tell her it was ok or just "meh" when it probably really sucked. I miss my nieces and nephews even though they fight me tooth and nail on everything. My sisters, brother and brothers-in-law because they are the people who I know will always act in support from the beginning, not that mom won't just it takes her time to warm up to an idea this big.

My friends, oh how I miss thee. Jackie, I miss showing up to Jacks, sitting down and watching you and all those other weirdos sing while I keep saying "I can't find a song" or whatever lie I can think of. Phil, I miss talking about what films suck, what we should see and how we would change the movie industry. Joe, I miss you buying hot dogs from the vendors at 2:10am on Sunday mornings, you are also excellent conversation. Bob, Adam, Grant, Zach, Kaitlin, Anner anyone and everyone else I miss you. Even if I hate you I miss you, I wish I could hate you here but I have other stuff to do. So eat it jerk.

Anyway, as I may have mentioned earlier, I'm still having a good time and the job is still fun a month into it and I can cope.

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