Sunday, December 13, 2009


I got to go on my first Korean Field Trip or Picnic as they called it in English this past Friday. I don't have any pictures because I didn't take my camera because I thought I wasn't going to go as soon as 30 minutes before they left and I was walking to school. But as I got to the school there they were, 4 buses to take the 4 sixth grade classes to Yong-in, and the Korean Folk Village. That's it's name. Seriously, wikipedia that it's there. I didn't believe it but it is what it is The Korean Folk Village. I got tot ride on the second bus with class 2 and at the beginning I was worried cause my Co-teacher, the one who you know teaches English with me at this school wasn't going on the trip. So I get on this bus with the class and they may not have been the best English speaking class but they probably had the best English speaking 6th grade teacher. Funny thing about talking to Korean and probably anyone else in a second language (self included) is that you're never really sure how much of what you've just said they've understood. I mean sometimes I'm at a store or trying to figure out something and I'll ask a Korean and they start speaking in Korean and not using gestures and I just decide to shut it down and shake my head "Yes".

Anyway she seemed to be able to keep up and explain things to me correctly, I know cause I was reading the English on the signs before she could translate the Korean, and it was fun talking in English to a Korean and having it not be just about school. Just about everyone commutes to town to work and she was no exception as she said she drives 40 minutes from Daejeon to get to school, she studies English and one day wants to take over as the Korean English Teacher at a school. It kind of makes you wonder what the difference in pay rate is for regular homeroom teacher and specialty English teacher is since they are so big on learning the language. But she was talking about how on the ride to work she listens to English Education Radio in the car and tries to learn more and then as soon as she steps out of the car she forgets it. Normal for everyone I guess.

We were walking down the "Yellow Road" and a group of 11 girls caught up to up and we ended up walking with them for the rest of the trip around the village. We went into a Haunted House and that was fun because who doesn't like 11 thirteen year-old girls pushing them into a dark hallway to lead the way. That was especially memorable because as we got to the exit they all come piling out behind me except for one girl and the teacher. We had to wait for like 5 minutes for them to come out and listining to their screams was hilarious. I tried to ask why they were so far behind but I don't think she understood. We crossed a narrow footbridge and she almost peed her pants she looked so scared. Good times had by all. Anyway at the end at (one of) the gift shop(s) I bought a fan which is what I do now. I don't just want fans though I want them to have awesome stuff on them. Also I want them to be huge, I could have gotten a huge one but it was like 35000won and for that kind of coin I would have like it to be bigger. Oh well lesson learned, "Always bring your camera."

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