Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Since Halloween

Back again on a Wednesday, I promise that I'm going to start writing more as things have calmed down and now I feel like I know what I can do and when I should try to do it. Halloween was fun, if you want to se pictures facebook me. I could use the slight boost in friends. Went as Harvey Dent, the Billy Dee WIlliams one from the first Tim Burton Batma and had a great time. We were literally out all night as we were at bars from 10:30 til 4 and then we went to a Nore-bangh for like 2 hours or something like that, probably closer to 90 minutes but I'm just not sure. Also we may have been at the bars for longer and Nore-bangh(which is Korean singing room aka private karaoke) shorter either way it ended up being fun and lots of songs were sung at the nore-bangh, drinks were had at the bars and we split up and returned to the place that we were from at around 6:30am after McDonalds for breakfast.

I got home at 7am Sunday morning and was seriously worried about being able to sleep and still wake up before 1pm. On the cab ride from Daejeon to Okcheon I texted my friend who I hang out with her and her family on Sundays afternoons and speak English and try to speak Korean. I tried to explain that I might be late for th meeting. I went to sleep as soon as I got home at 7am and was awake and eating breakfast at 11am. I thought I was going to die at church but I survived service, cause the pastor like any good pastor tells jokes and even though they were translated I still enjoyed them. After the service we have Fellowship, Koreans are still slightly strange to me in some small and inconsequential ways, when you answer a phone and you know who it is and say "Hello" most will say "I'm so and so". That comes down to mostly a translation thing think, at fellowship I was talking to one of the High School kids who other than the adults are the only people who usually talk to me and then some one brings up this woman, and the introduction went like this:
Person A: "Hello Bernard"
Me: "Hi"
Person A: "This is Person B, She is 23, I hear you are 24. Friends?!?!"
Me: "Sure"

While "friends" is being said there is a hand jester going on to signal that we should talk. Then Person A walks away and I start talking to Person B, I don't even think I got her name but I do know she is a University student at a school in a town like 30-40 minute bus ride away from Daejeon, she is studying Tourism and Recreation (yea they've got that here too) and she speaks really good English. We talked like 15 minutes who know if we will ever have another conversation again, probably, but they may end up being of the how was your week variety. We'll see.

Anyway turning towards the much more boring professional life I'm carving here, class is gonig OK. I've made the unthinkable decision to not play a game every single class that I am given total control. First reason is I can't think of but so many games and I don't want the kids to get tired of the same stupid card games, the second is I just don't se what they can get out of the games that wouldn't be better served by me taking more time on the actual lesson stuff and then ending the class with a tip or a correction of popular yet wrong phrases they use here. Example, my last 2 or three classes on Monday instead of playing a hastily prepared game, I exlpained the difference between "Nice to meet you" and "Good to see you" If you walk around a school for more than 2 weeks you will eventually get tired of "Nice to meet you" and I had so it was time to put my foot down and actually start teaching them things to fix mistakes that they are maknig and that I know they are making. The best part was that my co-teacher was there and she didn't hate the idea and hasn't really mentioned anything about it so it must be ok with her. And that's a good thing

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