Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving Weekend

So no real Thanksgiving in Korea at least for Americans. Obviously we're not in America. Anyway I had a nice full weekend. On Saturday(Korea time) I climbed a mountain, ok it may be a hill but it was my first in Korea or really ever for that matter. The first picture is the mountain itself, hey I didn't say this was the Rockies it's plenty tall for a nice stroll in the afternoon

There were step to start the climb. Actually when I think about it the climb started way before the steps. You just start going up hill gradually turn left and start the climb walking up the side walk then you get to the stairs. After the stairs you see this sign. I have no clue what it says but I think it's telling me where the trails are. Not the greatest help for a non-Korean speaker

Thia is Okcheon from the start of the climb proper, you can't see it all cause of those apartments, also it's a pretty sprawling town you couldn't take a picture of it unless you had a fisheye lens.

These are stacked rocks. Koreans believe that if you can stack a new rock on top you get to make a wish and it will come true, fail and a rock monster will crush you.

Could it be the top??!?! No it went up more not much more but it was a bit of a downer I thought I was done but nay more climbing.

But it was ok, it took about 20 minutes to climb but I'm out of shape. I hope to cut the time in half and go up 300m in 10 minutes or less. Also I'd like to figure out how far it is cause that would help.

View from the top.

More on Thanksgiving weekend tomorrow or this afternoon for those of you in America. It involves fried chicken, basketball, apple pie and church.
Edit: and most importantly an answeres prayer

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