Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The 10:30 Post #2: Of Flags and Sports

One of my favorite things in the worlds is sports. As someone who wishes to be a sports broadcaster, I love to listen to guys talk and converse about the games and events they are calling so I will probably be bitterly disappointed for a while until I can pick up some simple sports Korean.

One of my favorite sporting events all around for commentators and the event itself is closing in on the finish, the Tour de France. There's just something about getting up relatively early and sitting in my pajamas and watching men do ridiculous amounts of exercise to get someplace they could get to in cars 1000 times easier, but I digress. It is still one of the worlds great test of man weather your doping or not, obviously more of a test if your not. But during the time I'll be in Korea my whole sporting world will be turned upside down. How will I watch live sports in America from Korea. The answer pretty early in the morning and possibly over the internet. But one other thing I've seen is a lot of Australia in this tour not because they are winning but because they are crazy. I mean if your gonna fly halfway around the world do it for a winner people. Plus lets be real, if America has an Olympic rival now it's probably them, well at least Summer Olympics, they suck at winter sports. But back to the point I think that the flag that I've seen a ton in France should be adopted as the new national flag

If this doesn't scream Australia I don't know what does, the only thing that would fit better is if there was a drunk Australian rules football fan fighting the kangaroo. Now that I would pay to see.

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