Thursday, August 6, 2009

Carowinds Day part the Third

So I hadn't really thought this through but for some reason I thought that Jackie would like the chance to ride rides alone like the weirdos that work at Carowinds do once they get off of work. Alas it's not that she was against it as much as she said well I don't mind going along and also we ate at Cici's Pizza while we were out. I don't even think I had ever eaten at Cici's before but if I did I had vaguely bad memories of it. But this one was good, I had like like 5 or six little slices of Italian meat pizza and then a slice of sausage and pepperoni . There was some deal I got for being a Carowinds employee that I didn't know but I had to take out my ID card to get to the debit card and the guy saw that. I'll take it. Needless to say like just about every other contest we had on the day (barring the hotness contest which I'm willing to concede) I ate the most pizza. Then we hustled to uptown Charlotte then over to my moms job, we picked her up, stopped at the grocery store and dropped her off at home to continue on our merry way.

Once we got back we made the mistake of going on Rip Roarin' Rapids a ride that boasts "Caution: You will get wet, you may get soaked". Whelp I figure there's not that great of a chance so we get on which we had decided to do before we left, and of the six people on the raft I got it the worst. Jackie got it the second worst and those other 4 didn't get anything. Worst part was I was the only person wearing socks and shoes, damn you hippies, but I did clip her flip flops a couple of times getting into and out of rides.

After taking the time to squeeze the water out of my socks and shirt we went and got our faces painted. I was only willing to get as much done as Jackie who was going first, if she got something that was full faced I would have as well but then she got this:

Blows the mind huh, only problem is the T-Rex looks more depressed then fierce or at least just really unsure about her future. It's pink so I think it's safe to assume it's a lady. As for me it was a little more difficult to choose one. There was a baseball but that was just to much as far as how much face is takin up by it, like I said Jackie got the T-Rex so I was looking for something that could take up a similar amount of space. All I really had going for me was this:

As you can see there are unfortunately some downsides to being black, mostly in the face/body painting arena, this isn't the first time I've been disappointed. Settle in kids story time. Back in my Freshman year at State me and the guys I lived with on my floor decided to get painted up for a Thursday night game against Clemson. Just about everyone else was white or light skinned and we wanted to spell out "Go NC State Wolfpack", lets just say we had to pick up two random guys to finish but we got it done. Anyway, once we slapped the paint on me I quickly noticed that I was turning orange not red, did I mention we were playing Clemson, you should google Clemson Tigers and see what comes up. Anyway I know that most likely this Dragon of awesome power would not show up all that well and he didn't. You can't even see the fire he was spitting over my left eye.

So anyway we go strutting off from the face painting lady and the stares come but really who cares, those losers wouldn't know cool if it slapped them in the face. We went back towards Vortex but we didn't ride instead we went to Ricochet. I had only ridden it once before and I think that twice is enough. It's not high or steep, it's built for kids but it has sharp turns and pretty good drops but yeah it is exciting just not for me or apparently Jackie either. Then we went to the Hurler again it was rougher this time. I actually got thrown around this time and down the first hill and around the turn I may have hit Jackie, with my elbow, to the back of her neck. We basically doubled back and rode everything else again.

In Scooby's Haunted Mansion, I won again. But it was closer, from the back seat I was much worse or Jackie was just that much better. I was more equal so I think sitting in the front makes a difference. We rode T-Road again 2 times in a row then went up to After Burn again where my friend Derek was working, Here's Derek and Me:

I guess I should say "was working" I was shocked and saddened to learn that basically on the next day he was fired along with someone else I worked with. But it was good to see Derek cause since he was working at a different ride I didn't see him basically at all. We rode After Burn probably 3-4 times until someone was in our line then we skidaddle back to Kiddie land, which I have to admit as a guest in the park it is surprisingly fun.

We went and got some water and waited in line for the Phantom Flyers and took this picture:

It's sad T-Rex getting a drink of water and I'm not quite sure whats wrong with Jackie... constipation??..concentration?? I can never get a full read on the girl. The Flyers seemed, surprisingly enough, just as dangerous and therefore fun as the first time. Then we rode the Merry-Go-Round.

I jumped on a black stallion that was named (by me) "Peanut" because it was awesome and it happened to be next to the one Jackie was on.

Good times were had by all at the merry go round but the best ride for taking pictures on while going was the Flying Dutchmans revenge Featuring a whole lot of us. For the sake of brevity,(brevity? you've had two complete posts and now this monstrosity of a post why stop now) I'm just gonna dump the rest of the pics at the end of the post. Anyway by this time in the day it was 7:30 and we wanted to go out at least riding semi grown up rides so we jumped on Thunder Road for another 2-3 trips then the Yo-yo a swing like ride that flings you around, before wrapping up on the Bumper Cars. I was called back into service to push the cars and end the day then we left bought a cork gun, then I dropped Jackie off at her car and we went our separate ways. I went home and it was probably at least an hour until I washed my face and the dragon was gone. After that straight to bed. Good Day.

Also it's slightly hard to tell and I didn't know it until Jackie told me but we were in fact both wearing orange shirts. A fact I didn't know until we had this conversation.
Jackie: "I'm glad I got the memo to wear orange"
Bernard: "Who else has a bunch of orange on?"
Jackie: "Uhh, you do"
Bernard looks at shirt
Bernard: "I guess I do."


  1. B, with your face painted, you look like John Candy on SCTV as "Harry, The Guy With The Snake On His Face" who owned the adult book and video store.

    Probably the only time in your life you will resemble John Candy. Until you grow your beard out, get morbidly obese and die in Mexico while filming a movie, that is.

  2. this is actually just as i imagined it. although i didn't know we were in a pizza eating contest. next time... i will still lose.
